This year don’t expect a “Happy New Year” from me!

9 min readDec 31, 2024


Hollow greetings began flooding my phone and email inbox: “Happy New Year!” to which, my response is… “Let’s wait and see.”

Seriously, I don’t want to celebrate another trip around the sun, only to end up going through the same harrowing journey, in a world that seems hell-bent on self-destruction.

This year has been intensely personal and deeply emotional, molded not just by my own experiences, but also by the onslaught of devastations from Palestine to Lebanon, Syria and Sudan.

This year, I heard major power players and politicians issuing empty statements as innocent civilians turned to ashes, children stripped of their limbs, all in a grim play directed by the E.D.F. (Evil Destructive Forces) formerly known as the IDF. These images and stories are seared into my mind; they hang heavy like a weight around my neck.

This year, the very essence of shame has mutated, and its definition has taken on a new dimension as we witnessed those who wield power without conscience, exerting it in unfathomable ways. In the last 5 days, at least 6 Palestinian babies froze to death because of the biting cold in Rafah — Gaza, while they were sleeping in their tents. Pro-lifers my ass!

This year, I saw footage of this young man burning alive in his tent in October, and of Aaron Bushnell screaming as the fire was melting his flesh and bones: “THIS IS WHAT OUR RULING CLASSES DECIDED WILL BE NORMAL, FREE PALESTINE”!

This year, it dawned to me that peace will one day prevail when weapons manufacturers decide it’s time to do so. In the meantime, military aid to the EDF and allied forces will not dry up, and bombs weighing 2000 Lbs. each, are still being dropped on schools, hospitals, humanitarian aid workers, and on innocent women, men and children. Till date, the death count has surpassed 50,000 martyrs in Gaza, and some 11,000 are still buried under the rubble. In Lebanon, over 5000 were killed, mostly kids and women, many of which are still buried under the rubble. And what better place than Gaza and Lebanon to test their new war gadgets, and to showcase the work of shredding humans into unrecognizable pieces? American, Italian, British, French and Israeli weapons manufacturers are still piling their profits and counting their bounties as their share prices soar.

This year, I discovered that the only democracy in the Middle East has more than 3300 Palestinian adults and more than 90 children in administrative detention. One particular prisoner, Khalida Jarrar, is facing torture on a daily basis, given minimal water and meager quantities of so-called food, and placed in solitary confinement since August 12, 2024, in a 2 X1.5 meters cell, with no windows or ventilation.

This year, I’ve learned that making an impact doesn’t always require grand gestures. Sometimes, it’s as simple as staying informed and connected with the harsh realities on the ground AND it’s about amplifying the voices of those who have been marginalized.

This year, I’ve immersed myself in humanitarian work, embarking on a mission to provide support for the displaced, the injured, the burned, and the orphaned who have managed to flee the horrors of Gaza. Each child amputee that I met is testament that there is no rule of law, and that right and wrong are shifty based on race and ethnicity. Witnessing the unwavering spirit of those facing unimaginable adversity, especially the kids and their mothers, has redefined the meaning of PERSEVERANCE and everything else has become small and trivial compared to what they’re enduring.

This year, I looked many people in the eye and said “Your god is a joke, but I believe in demons”

This year amplified the meaning of the word: SOUL-LESS ghouls and exposed the moral and ethical bankruptcy of the jokesters who were celebrating tactical wins and for whom, the concept of humanity in the true sense of the word is basically meaningless.

This year I prepared myself for the consequences of NOT REMAINING SILENT. I was inspired by the courage of those who’ve stepped up and exposed many facts, despite the heavy price they paid, some of which, with their own lives.

This year, a bag of flour came with a deadly price tag.

This year, and just few days ago, Evil Destructive Forces killed 5 Palestinian Journalists as they were sleeping in their clearly marked PRESS vehicle. And in October, another young Palestinian reporter, was targeted in his sleep. The young man’s remains were collected in a plastic bag by his father. Their crime? Exposing the genocide on the ground. The truth has set them, not free, but ablaze!

This year, on December 25 to be exact, The Evil Destructive Forces seized Kamal Adwan hospital, killing 36 Palestinians some of which are patients and staff, making sure they detain - yet again — Dr. Hussam Abu Safia, the director of the hospital whose whereabouts remain unknown and who will undoubtedly face the same fate as Dr. Adnan Al-Bursh.

This year, I met amazing human beings who have provided a sense of belonging and a renewed desire for learning more about history — I finally understood the depth of this statement “You have to know the past to understand the present.” ―by Carl Sagan

This year, I am grateful for being the anti-conformist that I am, and for deciding — willingly — to remain childless and to NOT bring a child to this “Demon haunted world” — Carl Sagan.

This year I added new words to my lexicon, some of which are: Hannibal Directive, operation Timber Sycamore, and Deuteronomy…

This year, a young girl’s name has been immortalized: Hind RajabThe Killing Of Hind Rajab ← Forensic Architecture

This year I came to the bitter realization that human rights will forever remain at the mercy of profit and that international law, International Criminal Courts, The Rome Convention, The Genocide Convention, and all the United Nations resolutions, shall forever be defunct as VETO powers remain in the hands of the Hegemons. Never again for some, is yet again for others.

This year has revealed a new award-winning performance by Clarissa Ward. From reporting about beheaded babies, to freeing prisoners from years of captivity in Syria…This person has redefined the meaning of deceiving infotainment. Although, I don’t necessarily like Mark Twain, but this quote is so à l’ordre du jour: “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

By the same token, this year I understood the immense power of independent media who exposed gruesome acts of barbarism “Come out you animals”: How the Massacre at Al-Shifa Hospital happened. And for debunking the lies that a senile president, his vice president, and his entire cabinet have adopted: Family of key case in New York Times October 7 sexual violence report renounces story, says reporters manipulated them.

This year, I discovered that raping Palestinian prisoners, men, women and children alike, is glorified in certain cultures and societies! One example is the gang rape of a Palestinian man at the Sde Teiman prison in July.

This year, I heard these terms almost every hour of the day: Right to defend itself, Antisemitism and Self-Hating Jew! These terms were used almost every time there is a mention of — or as a direct retaliation against the use of words such as: Genocide, Apartheid, Targeted killings, Hasbara, AIPAC, Ethnic Cleansing, and Deliberate Starvation.

This year, I discovered that heroes don’t always wear capes. Aaron Bushnell, Matt Nelson and the anonymous lady in Atlanta, the independent journalists, medical personnel, philosophers, political analysts, and all good humans of all walks of life, with immense courage, as they relentlessly expose the world’s hypocrisy and complicity:

Mike Casey

Dr. Sami Al-Arian

Alon Mizrahi

Richard Medhurst

Stacy Gilbert

Ben Norton

Jonathan Glazer

Aaron Mate

John J. Mearsheimer

Ian Pappe

Sam Husseini

Francesca Albanese

Edward Curtin

Gideon Levy

Norman Finklestein

Chris Hedges

Miko Peled

Max Blumenthal

Abby Martin

Jeremy Scahill

Senator Chris Van Hollen

Scott Ritter

George Galloway

Roger Waters

Jeffrey Sacks

Richard Wolff

This year, I am more than grateful for having had parents who trained me to read, and appreciate books that drastically changed my perspective on humanity, history of the world and politics — Although I’m still reading through some, I will endeavor to read them again in 2025:

- Rise and Kill First — by Ronen Bergman

- The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

- The king’s Council — by Jack O’Connell

- The True flag — by Stephen Kinzer

This year, my motto became “Ignorance doesn’t get better in silence, as silence is a sign of apathy, ignorance or complicity”.

This year, I discovered that we don’t all worship the same God. Because their’s, a God of Gods, who feasts on wars, blood and destruction. A God who wants just two more wars in 2025, to guarantee “Freedom & Democracy”. As it appears, two pieces of this prophetic Godly puzzle are still missing: The I and the Y are essential to fulfill a prophecy of a God on behalf of another God who is sanctioning all these wars. Wait, did I get that right? And we’re told that Machiavelli was an evil man. Make it make sense!

This year, “We the People” have re-elected a man whose TRUTH is shaped by the hundreds of millions of dollars that he received from generous donors like Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, the Kushner family and The Musk cult.

This year, and precisely on Christmas day, the announcements made by this so called “non-interventionist” reminds us that the Templars do exist till date, and that Deus Vult has been resurrected, aka Pete Hegseth…

This year, Jared Kushner brazenly described the lucrative real estate opportunities on Gaza’s Mediterranean coast once his cabals have managed to kill and displace the surviving Palestinians.

This year, more than ever, I quoted a proverb that my mother used to repeat: “Au royaume des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois”.

This year, as Alon Mizrahi wrote: “It is not just Christmas that’s become hollow and meaningless; our entire existence is on hold when great powers try to forcibly build a civilization where human life has absolutely no value, all while maintaining a forced semblance of civilization and order”.

This year, I discovered that it’s all out there for YOU to see, but as the old proverb says: “A man maie well bring a horse to the water, but he cannot make him drinke without he will.” So, what kind of a horse are you. Here are some drops for you to “Drinke if you will”:

And here’s an ocean for you to swim in, if you will:

This year, I pledged to remain authentic, compassionate, and generous. To always listen and share, staying deeply connected to reality with unwavering boldness.

And in closing, this year I vow that in 2025, I shall:

1. Stay alert and watch closely the genocidal mouthpieces.

2. Fast and feel the hunger and thirst that kids in Gaza are feeling.

3. Amplify marginalized voices.

4. Continue my humanitarian work.

5. Confront hate, bigotry and ignorance with dignity.

6. Read these books:

a. Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic by Ilan Pappe

b. How to Hide an Empire by Daniel Immerwahr

7. Document every atrocity committed by those who pursue the ultimate goal of expanding settlements, over mass graves — Tantura style.

This year, I’m not saying “Happy New Year” to anyone.





Written by Lonlon

Lonlon means Love in Ewe, a language spoken in West Africa, mainly in Ghana and Togo.

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